Welcome on my website. You will find here information about the Lenco products manufactured in the time from the beginning in 1946 until the close down in 1979. It is intended to be a reliable source for reference and helping you to identify if your model is a genuine Lenco from the 33 Swiss years.

Not all equipment that I own is documented and published yet. I have invested a lot of time - both online and in old documents - to publish these information as correct and accurate as possible. However, suggestions, additions, questions and corrections are always welcome. Please write to : maxaeschlimann(at)yahoo.com

The colours used in the sub menu’s refer to my Swiss Market Timeline document.

Move the mouse over the thumbnails or the grey menu buttons and click on it to get access to the sub menus.

Classic Idlerdrives

Direct Drive and

Beltdrive Models

HiFi Gear and


Portables and

Small Idlers

Lenco AG

1946 - 1979

Did you know that ?

Services and Downloads

Documents and

Basic Info



Technical Details












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Alle Inhalte dieser Website, insbesondere Texte, Fotografien und Grafiken, sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Urheberrecht liegt, soweit nicht ausdrücklich anders gekennzeichnet, bei Max Aeschlimann. Bitte fragen Sie mich, falls Sie die Inhalte dieser Website verwenden möchten.


Last Update: 13.10.2023


- Cosmetic changes