Lenco - Factory insights


The following pages are my own interpretation about the history of the company Lenco AG. Based on information that I found in a bunch of issues from the ‚Lenco Hauszeitung‘ and supplemented by information from various newspapers from that time. During countless hours of research I also discovered surprising things which, if interpreted accordingly, led to new insights. One of these insights was that the name Lenco was used before the company was founded. There was an ad in ‚NZZ‘ on October 17th in 1946 using the name ‚Lenco FLB‘ offering injection moulding for third party customers. FLB refers to ‚Fritz Laeng Burgdorf‘…..

Ad for injection moulding parts

In November 1933 Bruno Grütter joined the Laeng family's radio business in Burgdorf. When he moved from Solothurn to Burgdorf, Bruno Grütter also changed his field of work, as he had previously worked in the watch industry. Interesting aspect here: In Langendorf - a small village close to Solothurn - there was a watch manufacturer with the name ‚Lanco‘…….

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Last Update: 13.10.2023