Beginning with the L 70, Lenco did redesign the idler wheel linkage because the position of the motor has changed to the top left. The Lenco B 51, B 52 and early Lenco L 75 did use the same idler wheel and linkage. The sinter bronze bearing had a 3 mm diameter and the idler wheel was made of plastic. The axle was attached with a 3 mm thread and a hex nut. During production Lenco redesigned the idler wheel using now an aluminum based disc with an attached 3 mm sinter bronze bearing.
When the B 55 was released, Lenco did modify the idler wheel again using now a 2.5 mm sinter bronze bearing. With this version the axle was direct riveted to the linkage. That version was also used in the later L 75 and in all L 78. Overall, the weight - incl. the linkage - was reduced by 20 % down to about 27 g with the new design !
For service and maintenance Lenco made also an intermediate axle, enabling the new idler wheel being used on older idler wheel linkages.
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