Historical Background
The brand and company name Lenco was founded a long time ago, just a year after WW2 ended and the economy was still suffering. To find reliable information and sources about this time is not that easy. Some online news paper archives do have interesting information about the Lenco foundation time. Many of the Lenco products were also advertised in specific papers. During the time while my collection was growing I also got many original documents - operating manuals, guarantee cards and receipt of purchase - that allowed me to define the manufacturing time of a product.
Swiss Market Timeline
An overview of the products that Lenco sold in Switzerland did not exist so far and so many misinformation or misinterpretation were published in the internet. That is why I created this timeline. It can help you to identify your Lenco and place it in the right time.
Click on the thumbnail preview, the timeline PDF document will open in a new window or new tab in your browser.
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Last Update: 13.10.2023