The L 84 was Lenco’s second full automatic record player. Based on the L 65 it got a s-shaped tone arm. It was available as a record player in it’s own plinth but also as a chassis or Lenco itself built it into their music centers ( Lenco L 3500, L 660 Mk II ).

Many other manufacturers used it in their music centers like Finlux in the TAPC 4040 or HEA in the Studio 9000* automatic. Telefunken sold it under their label as S 400 and used it in their 5001 hifi and 5031 hifi music centers.

In 1977 Lenco released the L 236 to replace the L 84.

L 84

L 84

* HEA Studio 9000 Automatic / L 84

Lenco L 84

Original brochure 1976

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