In 1967 Lenco released the Lenco 500 Stereo. The electronics was designed and produced by HEA Vienna, using their St 1/3 transistor amplifier. It used germanium transistors in the power stage and the small signal part was constructed with silicon transistors. It had a socket for a RIAA pre-amplifier VVSt101. It was built with the B 52 record player like its predecessor LAB 52 Stereo. During the production Lenco used different cartridges: Ronette BF 40, Ronette Stereo 107, Shure M 75 MB and Goldring G 800. The original speakers were the Lenco 1928. First series did not have a headphone socket.

Lenco 500 Stereo Mk I / B 52 Mk II

October 1969

Lenco 500 Stereo Mk II / B 52 Mk III

already with anti skating

Output power:


Frequency response:

Input sensitivity DIN sockets:

2 x 6 W into 5 Ω

< 1 % @ 5 W

40 Hz - 20’000 Hz ± 1.5 dB

200 mV

Compact and solid built HEA St 1/3b transistor amplifier module from 1967.

The one above - without a RIAA pre-amplifier - is from May 1971.

Lenco 500 Stereo Mk II / B 52 Mk III

Lenco 1928 speaker

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Last Update: 13.10.2023