
The Lenco RAC-10 - a Reversing Automatic 10 Cassette Changer - represents a product most people do not know or even heard about. It’s production started in autumn 1971 in the Lenco Italiana factory. It was intended for shops, bars, restaurants, hairdressers etc. for their background music.

The one below shows a 1978 mono version with playback only feature*. Benjamin sold that version in the USA under their brand as RAC-10 MKII. When introduced, Benjamin expected a price for under 300$ for the playback/record version in December 1971.

RAC-10 December 1978

RAC-10 December 1978 top view

RAC-10 December 1978 side view

RAC-10 December 1978 rear view

* Unfortunately the cover and the frame for the cassettes are missing.

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