Coming soon…………….more insights

Introduced in summer 1975. A further development of the former L 85 IC. Some cosmetic changes introduced by Lenco’s new designers M&E Design (Muchenberger und Eichenberger).

The newly designed tone arm with a new antiskating system lifted the L 90 close to the high end* class at the time.

For whatever reason, Lenco changed the spark suppressor capacitor into 0.1 µF which caused problems like broken primary fuses or shortage of the capacitor.

The L-90 was Lenco’s last belt driven High End model designed and produced in Switzerland.

It was also sold as a chassis version and was used by Rank Arena in their CR4040 Mk II music center or in Komet’s K 90. ExLibris sold it in 1975 for CHF 525.-- including a Shure cartridge M75-BT2 and for CHF 545.-- with the Shure M 91 ED cartridge.

L 90 Electronics

L 90

*L 90 Test results

L 90 bottom view

Lenco L 90

Original brochure 1976

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Last Update: 13.10.2023